Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blogging Around

The first blog I read was Nigel's. He wrote about the concept of equality and explained it in a way that I had never thought about, which was why it was really interesting to me. This is what I wrote:

"First of all, your entire blog is seriously awesome. I actually had trouble choosing which one of your posts to comment on, but this one really caught my attention. I love that you have a different opinion on equality, because what I first expected when I read the title was a blog about how equality is important, complete with cliches and everything. I was surprised when I read "Students should stop being taught that everyone is equal because that statement is a big fat lie" because I know a lot of people would agree with this, but a lot of people would also disagree with this. I haven't really thought a lot about equality, but after reading your blog I think you have definitely convinced me that keeping the idea of diversity and differences is the most important."

The second blog I commented on was Justin's Get Organized post. He organized his closet, just like I did. His ending thought/realization was also pretty similar to mine, highlighting how great it felt afterwards to be organized and wanting to apply it to other parts of his life. I wrote:

While I was looking through people's Get Organized blog posts, I noticed that a lot of people chose to reorganize their closets, including myself. I think that the fact that closets have so many different parts (types of clothing, etc.) is kind of reflective of the different parts of all of our lives--if that makes sense--and, like you said, how each part of our lives need some form of organization whether it is extracurricular activities, school, or anything else. After cleaning my own closet, I also felt very in control, which isn't a feeling I have often. I feel like if I had a ton of time, my entire life would be one big organized closet...and I agree that good time management would be the way to go in order to take on bigger projects.