Saturday, May 11, 2013

Best of Week: TED Presentation

Although all of the TED Presentations that I was in class for were really inspiring and amazing to listen to, Ali’s was the one that really stuck out to me. Her speaker was the one who created the water bottle that could filter water through a pump.

Why did this catch my attention?

First and foremost I appreciated the demonstration. A lot of TED talks are hard for me to listen to because I get tired of hearing the person talk about their idea but never showing it to us. Second of all, while I was listening to both Ali and her speaker talk, I was wondering why no one had come up with this before. The idea is so simple and so practical, yet extremely effective and life changing.

This got me wondering about what other ideas out there we have created over-complicated solutions to. Maybe, instead of over thinking problems that affect large groups of people, finding something that fixes the root of the problem for individuals or smaller groups of people could be even more directly effective.